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Social Studies


The Corte Madera Social Studies curriculum is developed based on California State Standards, in alignment with PVSD's goals and priorities. All of our students are provided a high-quality program that motivates, engages, and challenges them to be critical thinkers and problem solvers.


Grade 6 Ancient Civilizations

The sixth-grade social studies curriculum, TCI History Alive! The Ancient World focuses on the rise and fall of some of the greatest ancient civilizations and will be using as well as additional resources and books.  Sixth-grade history includes the following: Early Humans and the Rise of Civilizations, Ancient Egypt and the Middle East, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome. 

Teacher syllabus - Ms. Hartman

Teacher syllabus - Becca

Textbook used: TCI: History Alive! The Ancient World

Grade 7 World History

Social Studies 7 is a lecture-discussion-based course that fulfills the requirements for middle school world history as set forth in the California State History-Social Science Framework. Students in Social Studies 7 attend lectures designed to enhance the content and engage in daily in-class and online discussions. This course covers world history from the decline of the Roman Empire to 1800.

World History Course Guide - Mr. Rode

Textbook used:  History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond

Grade 8  U.S. History

Within the social studies curriculum, students will connect their past learnings of Colonial and Revolutionary War America to studies of United States geography, the Constitution and the beginning of the new Republic, and the social, economic, and political growth of the new nation.  Students will learn about the conflicting forces which led to events such as the War of 1812, the growth of political parties and sectionalism, the Westward Movement (“Manifest Destiny”), the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Industrial Revolution, and the Progressive Era.  They will learn about the diverse groups that immigrated to America, and how they influenced America’s development.  By studying the ethical, social, political, and economic questions which Americans have dealt with historically, they will be more aware of, and sensitive to, the social issues facing Americans today.

U.S. History Syllabus - Sato

U.S. History Course Guide - Mr. Rode

Textbook used:  History Alive! The United States Through Industrialism


Social Studies Teacher Directory

Kim Hartman ✉

6th Grade Social Studies

Becca Wong ✉

6th Grade Social Studies

Pat Rode ✉

7th Grade Social Studies

8th Grade Social Studies

Tim Sato

8th Grade Social Studies