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English Language Development


Students who speak multiple languages in the home or a primary language other than English may be given additional academic supports.  English Language Skills are assessed each year with the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC).  All parents and caregivers will receive a letter explaining which assessments are coming up if their student is scheduled to be assessed.

Multilingual students have many strengths, but they may also need extra support in the classroom while learning in English. If a child takes the ELPAC, parents and guardians will receive a score report that is broken down into different skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. This information can show where a child is doing well and where they may need more support.

Students who are designated English Language Learners will receive support in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing Skills. Students receive integrated English Language Development (ELD) during all subjects from their general education teachers.  They also receive specialized Designated ELD from an ELD Specialist. 

More information about the ELPAC

Literacy Supports

Classroom teachers monitor student progress, keeping a close eye on progress in Literacy.  Teachers use NWEA Literacy assessments, as well as other ongoing assessments from the language arts curriculum, to identify students who are performing below grade level.

Students identified as needing additional support are then considered within Portola Valley School District’s Multi Tiered System of Support System (MTSS).  This includes a robust Tier 1 literacy curriculum which utilizes systematic, research based best practices to give all students access to the core curriculum.  

If students need additional support, they receive Tier 2 instruction. This includes small group instruction led by a classroom teacher. Tier 2 instruction may also include small groups led by a Literacy Specialist or a highly qualified teacher.  

If additional support is still needed, Student Study Team meetings are conducted to ensure the most appropriate supports are put in place for Tier 3 instruction to match each individual learner's needs.

More information about MTSS

For more information about Corte Madera School's English Language Development and Literacy Supports, please contact Shannon Murray at

ELD/Reading Specialist Directory

Shannon Murray